Here is a collection of short videos showing the basic functions of TrafficONE. These are just enough to give you a general overview of the application; how to add new Advertisers, how to create orders, how to build format clocks, etc. When you’ve seen enough and want to get a personal orientation, you can schedule a session with one of the creators of T1.
Note: “Traffecta” was the original name of TrafficONE in 2020. Some of the videos pre-date the name change.
Rotation Packets in TrafficONE
TrafficONE - Entering An Order
TrafficONE - Account Order Entry (basic)
TrafficONE - Add Spot Break to Format Clock
TrafficONE Scheduling
TrafficONE - Spot Break Fill Priority
TrafficONE- Avail types
TrafficONE- Avail Types on Format Clocks
TrafficONE - Creating A Packet
TrafficONE- Scheduling Spots in Specific Hours
TrafficONE- Formatting Advertiser Sponsorships
TrafficONE - Complicated Orders Easily Entered
TrafficONE - Order Extension with New Spot
Covert Non-Music Card to Spot Card
TrafficONE - Clock Naming Idea